Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Creating a New Web Site in IIS

You must create a new Web site for each security model that you want. For example, if you want to have both Anonymous access and Basic authentication, you must create two Web sites. On one site you would specify Anonymous access, and on the other site you would specify Basic authentication.

Note that you should not modify settings on the Default Web Site. Specifically, SharePoint Portal Server requires the Default Web Site to use port 80 as the TCP port. Do not change the port to an alternative HTTP port (such as 8000 or 8080) after installation. Ensure that port 80 is specified and remains as the primary port for the server.

For creating a new Web site, follow the following steps:

- On the taskbar, click Start, point to Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Internet Services Manager.

- Expand the node for the SharePoint Portal Server computer.

- Right-click the name of the SharePoint Portal Server computer, point to New, and then click Web Site. The Web Site Creation Wizard appears.

- Click Next, and then follow the instructions in the wizard:

1. Type a description of the Web site, and then click Next. The description appears in the tree view of the console. For example, if this Web site is to be used for Anonymous access, you could type AdventureWorksAnon as the description.

2. Select the IP address. Do not select (All Unassigned).

3. Type 80 for the TCP port number.

4. Type the external FQDN as the host header. The host header is of the form external_server_name.external_domain_name.

5. Click Next.

6. Enter the path for your home directory. It is strongly recommended that the home directory be under the Inetpub directory.

7. If you do not want to allow Anonymous access to SharePoint Portal Server, clear the Allow anonymous access to this Web site check box.

8. Click Next.

9. On the Web Site Access Permissions page, click Next. Do not change the default access permissions.

10. Click Finish. The new Web site appears.

- Expand Default Web Site, and then note the following five virtual directories (nodes on the tree): Exchweb, SharePoint Portal Server, Public, MSOffice, and YourWorkspace, where YourWorkspace represents the name of the virtual directory for your workspace. To find the local path, do this for each of the five virtual directories:

1. Right-click the virtual directory, and then click Properties.

2. On the Virtual Directory tab, note (or copy) the path shown in Local Path.

3. Close the Properties page.

- Right-click the new Web site that you created, point to New, and then click Virtual Directory. The Virtual Directory Creation Wizard appears.

- Click Next, and then follow the instructions in the wizard:

1. In Alias, type Exchweb and then click Next.

2. In Directory, type (or paste) the path for Exchweb, and then click Next

3. On the Access Permissions page, click Next. Do not change the default access permissions.

4. Click Finish.

The above two steps, create a virtual directory for SharePoint Portal Server, Public, MSOffice, and for YourWorkspace, where YourWorkspace represents the name of the virtual directory for your workspace.

Note: The names of the new virtual directories must match exactly the names of the original virtual directories under the Default Web Site. Do not rename the virtual directories.

- After creating the virtual directories, for the Public and YourWorkspace virtual directories on the new Web site that you created, do the following:

1. Right-click the virtual directory, and then click Properties.

2. Click the Virtual Directory tab.

3. In Application Protection, select Low (IIS Process).

4. On the Virtual Directory tab, click Configuration.

5. On the App Mappings tab, click Add.

6. In Executable, type the path to the msdmisap.dll file. You can also browse to the msdmisap.dll file. By default, this file is located in the SharePoint Portal Server \Bin directory. For example, if you installed SharePoint Portal Server to Program Files\SharePoint Portal Server, this file is in Program Files\SharePoint Portal Server\Bin.

- For the YourWorkspace virtual directory on the Web site that you created, do the following:

1. Right-click the virtual directory, and then click Properties.

2. On the Virtual Directory tab, select the Write check box.

3. Click the HTTP Headers tab, and then click Add.

4. In Custom Header Name, type MicrosoftTahoeServer

5. In Custom Header Value, type 1.0

6. Click OK.

7. Click OK to close the Properties page.

- For the MSOffice virtual directory on the Web site that you created, do the following:

1. Right-click the virtual directory, and then click Properties.

2. Click the Virtual Directory tab.

3. In Execute Permissions, select Scripts and Executables.

4. Click OK to close the Properties page

Right-click YourVirtualWeb, where YourVirtualWeb is the name of the new Web site you just created, and then click Start. If YourVirtualWeb is already started, omit this step.


SharePoint Engine March 28, 2011 at 6:15 AM  

There are certainly a lot more details to take into consideration, but thanks for sharing this post.SharePoint Consulting is very important in the business world.

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